Sunday, July 31, 2011

floating lanterns

Ever since I watched Disney's Tangled, I am obsessed with floating lanterns. The movie is cute and endearing in many ways, but the scene where Rapunzel and Flynn Rider are in the boat and the lanterns begin to be lit and float into the sky, is a true fairytale moment.

Imagine my excitement when I found out such floating lanterns really exist. Also known as sky lanterns, they are particularly popular in Thailand for their Loy Krathong Festival. Below are some photos through google images and there are breath taking videos on youtube. It is definitely on my bucket list to see this in person!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

crochet toys

I first noticed crochet toys in China last year; little old ladies were selling hand-made items in the park. They appealed to me instantly and I bought myself a little yellow chicken, lol. I thought they were very unique and rare, but I was able to find a ton of crocheted items on the net, particularly on etsy. Here are a couple of my favorites.

Happy Little Pork Buns

Mr. Coffee and Miss Cupcake

Turtle Couple


Woolie Crab

Little Miss Worm

box appeal

Who knew boxes could be so cute?
Introducing: DANBO. Based on the Yotsuba manga, and made real by Amazon Japan. Artists all over the world have been photographing Danbo and hundreds of creative photos of him can be found on the web. Purchase your own at or

On, I also found an adorable HeartBot. Custom made to order.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

salt & pepper

Hello World! It's been a very very very long time. I've been seeing some darn cute things and couldn't resist giving this blog another try.

Salt & pepper shakers are a staple to every kitchen and pantry. How about adding a little fun with a set like these?

Baby Sumo Wrestlers


Fred & Friends Pants

Sleepy Panda

Japanese Ninja Kids

Kawaii Cute Smile Egg

Banana Bros

I could keep on going; every time I'm about to end this post, I find another adorable set -- don't settle till you find the perfect pair! I have a super cute chic-coming-out-of-its-egg salt & pepper shaker from Pottery Barn courtesy of the bf's mom but its not available online anymore.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

egg shapers

I love little trinkets that can make something ordinary into something very special.

These egg shapers ($3.20 - 3.50, are not only adorable, but easy to use. You simply hard-boil your egg, peel the egg, place it into the mold, then either put the mold in the fridge or cold water for 10 minutes and poof! a cute little egg.

Of course, some people prefer their eggs sunny-side-up. With this type of egg shaper ($5.95,, you simply crack the egg into the shaper while its on the frying pan. Can't get much easier than that.

Monday, March 2, 2009

for the Geeks

I can't say that I particularly like any of these items or desire to own or ever purchase any of them, but amusing nonetheless (if you happen to own one of these, I mean no offense!).

From left to right:
1. Cal-Q-Tek 2000 Calculator Watch ($14.99,
2. Computer Circuit Board Desk Clock ($29.99,
3. LED Binary Watch (69.99,

And for the Geek lover, a book to guide your way. They ought to sell these at the CMU bookstore ($13.99,

Sunday, March 1, 2009

bling on your keys

These ring charms are very trendy and utterly cute! A chic little gift for any girl.

From left to right:
1. Diamond Keyring ($11.09, -- ghetto version
2. Juicy Couture Engagement Ring Charm ($52,
3. Juicy Couture Ring Key Fob ($49, -- my fav!